Konsèy Prevansyon Stamford
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Selling Alcohol to Minors

It’s illegal for anyone, including store owners or their employees, to sell or give alcohol to anyone under 21.
This includes sales in person or online and applies even if the minor uses a fake ID.
Up to 1 year in jail
A fine of up to $1,000
Or both
This is considered an unclassified misdemeanor unless done by someone other than a permittee, which could result in harsher penalties.
Delivering Alcohol to Minors

The law also makes it illegal for anyone to give or deliver alcohol to a minor, with some exceptions.
Up to 18 months in prison
A fine of up to $1,500
Or both
It is also classified as an unclassified felony. This can lead to situations where a package store employee might face felony charges for actions that would only result in a misdemeanor charge for the store's permit holder.
Underage Drinking on Your Property
The Social Host Law makes it illegal to let minors drink alcohol or use cannabis in your home or on your property. You are responsible even if you didn't provide it, didn't know it was being served and you weren't present.
Anyone who owns, rents, or controls property (indoor or outdoor) where a party or gathering is held is seen as a “host” under Connecticut’s Social Host law.
There is no minimum age. Young people may also be charged as hosts, such as in the case of teenagers who throw a party while their parents are out of town.
This is a Class A misdemeanor. If it’s your first offense, you could face:
A fine of up to $2,000
Up to 1 year in jail
You might also face additional charges depending on the situation. For example:
If you provided alcohol to minors, you could be charged with a Class E felony, which carries:
A fine of up to $3,500
Up to 18 months in jail
You can also be held legally responsible for any injuries, accidents, or damage caused by underage drinking on your property
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Get TIPS Trained

TIPS programs are designed for every industry that serves or sells alcohol. It is a skills-based training program designed to prevent intoxication, drunk driving and underage drinking by enhancing the fundamental "people skills" of servers, sellers and consumers of alcohol.
Trainings offered for on-premises (bars/restaurants) and off-premises (stores). Visit the TIPS site for information on all available trainings.
Online TIPS training is available in English and Spanish.
Ensure your establishment has the appropriate signage and that you're knowledgeable about all of the federal and state requirements for alcohol and tobacco sales.
The WeCard website has a variety of helpful resources for retailers.

Protect Yourself & Our Teens
Youth surveys in Connecticut show parents and other adults are the main source of alcohol for teens who are drinking. Underage drinking in harmful for the developing teen brain and allowing it is very risky for adults. Don't risk legal repercussions.
Store your liquor a securely locked cabinet, and keep the key somewhere hidden or inaccessible.
Have clear rules and consequences for underage drinking and cannabis use.
Don’t serve to minors.
If your teen has friends over, check in frequently.
Have open and honest conversations about alcohol and substance use, early and often.
You Can Learn How to Save a Life!
Suicide Prevention
Have you ever had a patron that seems exceptionally sad or distraught? Do you know how to respond if you think someone is experiencing a crisis?
We can offer FREE 90 minute Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training for you and your staff.
As a QPR-trained Gatekeeper you will learn to:
Recognize the warning signs of suicide
Know how to offer hope
Know how to get help and save a life

Overdose Response
An overdose can happen anywhere. Recognizing the signs and knowing how to use Narcan can save a life.
We can offer FREE 1 hour Narcan training for you and your staff.
You will learn to recognize the signs of an overdose and how to respond. Trainees ages 18+ will receive a FREE Narcan kit.
General Resources

Danje pou melanje alkòl ak medikaman
Melanje alkòl ak medikaman ka danjere e menm menase lavi. Alkòl ka entèfere ak efikasite nan medikaman ak agrave efè segondè yo.
Risk komen:
Ogmante somnolans ak vètij
Kapasite motè ki gen pwoblèm
Risk pou yon surdozaj akòz respire siprime
Vizite sitwèb sa a pou Aprann plis epi chèche konnen ki medikaman san preskripsyon ak medikaman sou preskripsyon ki gen entèraksyon grav ak alkòl.